The hot and the cold of it all

I’m not hungry. I’m tired of drinking. This is my conclusion. I’m writing this while nursing a tea full of herbs and health this after finishing 48 oz of water but needing to knock out a another 24 oz and then there are my fifth round of juices waiting for me on the counter with my name next to it so the whole world can know that I, Florence Merryman did not complete the 3:30 p.m. round of juices. Oh and let’s not forget that I have a broth at 6:30 p.m. I’ll get it all down… and then take up residence in the bathroom I suspect…. but let me write this first.

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I smell like a hippie. I have some manner of tincture, Clary Sage to be precise on the bottoms of my feet, applied after my shower and some Anna’s Wild Yam Cream on. The note says to massage into my, chest, neck, breasts, abdomen, inner arms and thighs. I’ve started with the inner arms and we’ll see how things progress. The cream’s benefits {as stated on the website) include those that are related to “female complications.” I chuckle and will leave it at that.

The sage doesn’t smell like cooking sage. The essential oil smells like a man who calls himself Fennel Cloud. The Yam smells like yams which is nice since I would like to have a roasted yam for chewing’s sake at the moment but can’t. Anyway, I think my conclusion is correct. I smell like a hippie. Oh yes, and as a useless aside I cannot bear to put on pants… so there is that. Reason why? I’m too tired.

The worst part of my day - without question - is going to be my dry sauna (I prefer steam saunas) followed by a contrast shower. Let me explain. Saunas are small rooms that are heated to temperatures between 150°F and 195°F (65°C to 90°C). They often have unpainted, wood interiors. I sat in that today for about an hour and fifteen minutes. This is then followed directly by the nurse ushering me quickly into a seemingly harmless looking shower… harmless except there is what looks like a massive valve wheel next to the door. Inside the shower are spigots all over the walls and the head from above, I think 8 in total. “Ready?”, the nurse says.

My clenched fists pull down the sides of my pink polka dot shower cap round my ears and I wait. Closing my eyes tight I say “Go”. All the spigots blast out 40°F jets of water. Not softly either but full blast at a dull roar. All I can think is breathe through it. Nothing lasts forever. Don’t move and breathe through it. The first time in, I put my hands over my heart, for you see I thought the precious thing was going to leap out of my chest with the shock. Now I’ve learned the best thing to do is pull down the shower cap and mentally shut down. When something bad is happening to me, I can’t speak. Anyone who trains with me know the second I stop chattering or doing my breath work, the strain of whatever we are lifting or position we are holding has become just this side of hellish and I’ve gone to my special place.

When it’s over, I stand there shocked and silent. I slowly open my eyes as if to make sure I’m still all there and the door opens. I smile. I made it through another treatment. I can now have a nice temperate shower and sit pant-less and apply potiony things, take the evening vitamins and smell like a hippy.

The benefits of a “hot sauna cold plunge” go way back to the Nordic cultures who originated the technique a sauna followed by a cold water dip or cool shower. Ideally the hot/cold exposure is repeated until the body is completely relaxed. The “hot sauna cold plunge” technique is intense, and the combination of hot and cold has some researched health benefits. Sometimes referred to as the Nordic Cycle, the “hot sauna cold plunge ”triggers the blood vessels to constrict rapidly and therefore elevates blood pressure. The benefits of the “hot sauna cold plunge” are both physical and psychological. Try it. It’s not so bad… hehe.

I do feel relaxed after, but I’m not sure if that’s just plain relief or what? Like I said I enjoy sitting on my bed looking out to the mountains in a state of complete disrepair as my reward for endurance.

The hot and cold of it all is that I have do do this treatment every day for the rest of my time here.

Oh LORD! A bell rang. I have to put on pants. I forgot about evening meditation.