A change is coming

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We never dreamed that hosting International Womens Day on March 6, 2020, would be the last time we would be able to Gather with the agenda of enrichment and fellowship for the foreseeable future.

There was a foreshadowing. The borders between countries were being monitored. Some people started wearing masks, there was nervous laughter about the “dread disease”. COVID-19 arrived on the scene and the next weekend the very idea of our beautiful gathering filled with talented and engaged women was a verboten.

We revisit this event with clarity, understanding that it was wonderful that we took the time and energy to Gather in that way, in that space, with those people. The memory is that much more precious.

Hosted on the second floor split portico of the local White Mountain Bakery in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, the attendees, numbering over thirty, began their day with a collection of croissants, savories and the most delectable collection of mini eclairs in flavors of pistachio, chocolate and berry compote. Accompanied by a brewed to order specialty coffee all compliments of the management and staff of White Mountain Bakery, the rich and satisfying sweets, tipped with a brush stoke of glaze were the perfect bite over which to mingle.

After a brief welcome and review of the agenda, life coach and featured speaker Ms. Rula Husseini took the platform. Highly credentialed in her area of practice, Rula shared a relatable rendition her personal journey. Rula’s journey though the corporate world culminated in hard questions which led her to the life altering decision to become a life coach. Rapt in full attention, you could see the women actively nodding as Rula told how her hectic life and crunched schedule left her breathless, dissatisfied and searching for self which somehow she misplaced along the way.

Through understanding laughter, quiet reflection and nod’s from the group that said, “Yes, that is so me”, Rula shared how her experiences prompted her to undertake rigorous training and obtain multiple certifications to help lift others from a similarly pulled and yet anchorless life.

During a light but satisfying lunch of salad’s, hot and cold sandwiches and a personal favorite, aracici (aka risotto balls fried in crispy breadcrumbs) served with a side of sauce with enough flavorful boldness that it must have been a tomato concasse, several attendees shared their desire to examine areas for improvement in their lives. We learned from Rula that with some help, encouragement from a life coach and a willingness to do a deep dive on the inner self,  it is possible to level up and live a more purpose driven life.

COVID-19 has slowed us immeasurably, nothing in the living memory of our most seasoned elders compares to the way the world has halted now. Our days may look different bur minds are more active and in need of a sense of order. Many are plagued with urgent questions about how they will make ends meet. Businesses are shuttered and it appears that recovery will be long and arduous. Some are more tied to work than ever. 12- 14 hour days and responsiveness around the clock, has blurred the lines between restful reprieve from work-a-day cares - work, work and more work. Still others are now confined with the very people who abuse them. The health crisis has revealed that violence in the home is more frequent, more severe and more dangerous than ever. Conversely, there are those separated in a silent but stormy isolation indefinitely from the ones who love them.

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This year the theme of International Womens Day was “Each for Equal”, equality takes on a whole new meaning in the light of our current events. It has taken me some time to digest and contextualize International Women’s Day in light of the global pandemic. The lessons from that day are valuable and necessary more than ever. Decide on change no matter what your circumstances, no matter how small, no matter how seemingly impossible. Decide you can be better, that you owe yourself the peace of mind of knowing that you tried to be all you are capable of being.

Perhaps, as you read this you are thinking about practical steps to get on your way? A life coach like Rula can help you achieve your goals and reach forward. That “next level” varies from person to person. It may be effective self-leadership, a career change, welcoming a loving relationship into your life, changing your mind to change your body, performing well in a new role, acclimating to the new normal, or inspiring your family and friends to band together or take some action etc. Everyone is unique, and the possibilities are as endless. Personal change is possible, change has come.

We encourage you to learn more about life coaching and consider a session of life coaching by speaking with Rula directly at rula@rhusseini.com or visiting her Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rulahusseini/ Please inquire about how to reevaluate your life and consider how best to define your life goals.

“Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.” - Wooden