I picked a peach

The first week at Eden Valley Institute of Wellness has come to an end and I’m heading into week two. Now that I know what to expect I feel more comfortable with stepping up the program in order to make the most of this mind, body, spirit detox. My goal this week is just to absorb as much as I can so that when I go back home I can make a few changes to improve my lifestyle over all.


A hallmark of being here has definitely been the food. I never feel deprived but am being constantly nourished. Okay on the second day of juice fasting (during the first week) I was a was a wee bit beyond myself…

While here, I’m on a completely plant based diet and have noticed that what makes it so pleasant is how delicious the fruits and veggies are! I don’t miss meat or eggs at all - and I am a BIG egg person! The vegetables and fruits are so tasty! I can’t tell you the last time I ate a collection of fruits and vegetables so saturated with delicious flavor. Concept right?! ! Most everything we consume is freshly grown in the extensive gardens (green house and in-ground) as wells as orchards and patches of squash and berries. Actually everywhere I go there is food just sprouting out of the ground!


This leads me to my peach of an adventure. When walking out of my door, yes…just outside my door, a tree caught my eye. It was growing harmlessly on an incline surrounded by some bushes and a couple of Aspen trees. As I approached, I noticed little yellow things hanging in clusters on the tree. I paused… wait… are those? They are! Peaches! I don’t know if you are like me? But when you discover something really fantastic and unique do you look around and think, “Does anyone know about this?” Its like found money! Lucky! That’s how I felt. I approached the tree a little cautiously and extended my hand out to one piece of fruit that looked picture perfect. It wasn’t massive. Do you notice how fruit (especially now a days) is gargantuan? The fruit wasn’t perfect, thank God, it had some little imperfections (as sign that it’s pesticide free). A bird seemed to have picked at it, but it was natural and really actually so lovely. I put my hand out only slightly touching it and the peach literally fell into my hand. Automatically I put it up to my nose. It smelled, dare I say it… like a peach! As I turned the firm fruit in my hand, I was just so pleased with the color. I took in all the hues, a sunset yellow turned to honey orange and then to just a spot of a rosy red.


Upon the capture of my jewel, I looked up into the tree and noticed it was laden with peaches in various stages of development. This early morning find was invigorating to me. One happy little tree blooming and growing, full of fruit just ready for me to pick and enjoy! Me so HAPPY!

I’m not a gardener, not even a pretend one, I like to have my flower pots brimming with annuals and/or perennials, but show me a garden snake? Buddy, I vote we burn down the whole house and move! I’m a wimp its true. But, of course, because I’m extra, I’m now thinking about how to grow my own trees. How do I do a bit of modest gardening and try my best not to become an arsonist should a creepy crawly appear?

I plan on eating my peach with my breakfast. I can’t wait to taste it.

Have you ever gardened? Does growing your own food appeal to you? What do you think about buying organic food? What do you think about the fruits and vegetables you’re consuming now?