Spicy mango salsa

live well at the farmers market

The weather is somewhat odd here in Saudi Arabia at the moment. The usual annual week of rain has somehow morphed into a month of inclement weather (by that I mean some clouds – how can we bear it I hear you say), with some super rain storms lighting up the dusty skies. 

Live Well has been taking a stall here at the camp Farmers’ Market, which runs over the winter months, usually to benefit from the cooler weather before the scoring sizzle arrives. Little did we expect to cowering under the palm trees for shelter from the downpours!

The market is a great chance for local producers to share their delicious goods, from organic produce, to delicious dates and freshly roasted coffee beans. If you are local to the area it’s definitely worth checking out. Keep your eyes on our Instagram account for details.

While all this weather has been quite impressive and very moody, it has had me craving some fresh zing and summer flavours. This simple recipe was the outcome – a deliciously fruity and spicy salsa with endless accompaniments. Try it with slices of spinach and mozzarella quesadilla, or with some meaty grilled white fish perhaps? We had it with some paleo crusted chicken and paprika-flavoured sweet potato fries and it went down a treat.

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Spicy mango salsa


  • 1 ripe mango

  • 2 spring onions - chopped

  • ¼ cup chopped coriander

  • ½ red chilli (or to your taste) – sliced and diced

  • Squeeze lime juice

  • Pinch salt


Couldn’t be simpler. Chop the mango into chunks (actually this could be simpler, I always make a hash of it), and place in a bowl. Add in the chopped spring onions, chopped coriander, chilli and mix. Squeeze over the lime juice and sprinkle in the salt to taste. You want to ensure the sweetness is balanced with a nice poke of heat from the chilli.