Curried greens soup

Happy New Year to you all. I hope that the bright, shiny New Year brings with it a wealth of health, happiness and fulfilment. That being said, I’ve never been one for big overblown celebrations or drastic resolutions but there is no denying it does give a chance for a bit of reflection on what has been achieved over the last 12 months and then a recalibration on the route ahead for the next 12.  

Often it can be a bit of a relief to get back to some kind of normal routine after the hectic pace of the festive season. We finally gain a bit of structure (from the Christmas ‘what day is it again?’ haze), claw back some kind of control over our food consumption (‘how long has that mince pie been there?’) and start get to urge to engage those limbs with some kind of physical activity (that doesn’t involve Prosecco-fuelled dancing to Slade).  

I think the best approach to all of this is taking it slowly. Ease yourself in. Cold turkey is not the answer (although I know it quite literally has been for the last two weeks). 

From a goal perspective, why not just pick one thing you want to achieve this month? Set it out and aim to do that one thing really well. Be it creating a spreadsheet for your finances in 2017, starting a new yoga class or getting outside for a walk every single day. I always find that just the act of being productive in just one area usually starts a domino effect into other areas of my life. And then, if that works for you, do the same for February, and so on. Having 12 achievements ticked off at that end-of-year reflection is nothing to be sniffed at. 

This month my chosen focus is food based - cleaning up my act a bit with a goal to up my green intake and therefore nourishment. With a winter holiday on the horizon I know that there are more hectic times (and cheese) ahead so I want to make sure I’m fueling my body efficiently.  As per my previous post, you’ll know that green juice is my usual go-to, but I have also been trying out some different recipes to get that injection of plant-based goodness. 

One I’d like to share with you is a soup that while being virtuous, manages to feel luxurious and filling at the same time. As mentioned, there’s no point going all Dickensian on yourself with some sort of watery, cabbagey broth at a time when all that festive deliciousness is still pulsing through our veins. That’s going to have you reaching for the dregs of the Quality Street tin before you know it. 


Curried greens soup


  • 1 leek - chopped

  • 1 potato – peeled and cubed

  • 2 courgettes - chopped

  • 1 garlic clove - chopped

  • 1 green chilli – diced (remove seeds if you prefer less heat)

  • 150g fresh spinach

  • 1 cup vegetable stock

  • 1 can coconut milk – feel free to use a light version if you prefer

  • 1 tbsp coconut oil

  • 1 tsp curry powder

  • ½ tsp ground cumin

  • ½ tsp ground turmeric

  • Salt and pepper


Add the coconut oil to a large saucepan over a medium heat. Add the curry powder, cumin and turmeric and cook off the spices for 1 minute. 

Add in the leek, potato, courgettes, garlic and green chilli, seasoning with the salt and pepper and stir well until coated in the spices. Reduce heat to low, cover and sweat the vegetables until tender, around five minutes.

Add in the stock and the coconut milk and cook for a further ten minutes or until the potato is soft. Be careful not to stir too much at this stage – coconut milk can curdle with too much frantic pot stirring. Just let it simmer away happily. 

Then add in your fresh spinach, the greenest of green vegetables and cook for 2 -3 minutes and remove from the heat. Let it cool slightly then blend to a silky, rich texture. 

Perfect reheated for lunches or topped with a few croutons for supper.