Live Well Food Co.

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Begin the Beguine

Well! We’ve started our momentous journey! Vicky and I have announced to the world through our launch party that our venture in the universe of joint entrepreneurship has begun!

In the spirit of celebrating our moment of “going public” we decided to gather a small group of supporters who have been patrons of Live Well Food Co. since its inception. The launch party was a sweet success! Graciously hosted at the home of our personal trainer and friend Valorie, we served a medley of hors d'oeuvres, sweets, and a signature cocktail. All mixed, mingled and vibed thoroughly enjoying the feeling of the evening. 

Since joining forces, the concept and vision of Live Well has certainly expanded. It’s more than cooking and hosting parties filled with nourishing food, (although we love doing that) it’s more than fitness (although we really like that too), what separates us from the rest is a creation of an environment of connection – connection to yourself, to others and world around you in an authentic way! The development of our company has meant a lot of lunch meetings, weekend meetings, test kitchens, impassioned discussion, dreaming and vision boarding, all culminating into… the beginning!

We are constantly refining our complementary strengths and certainly still in progress to crafting a broader all-inclusive journey for you. 

If I may speak for both of us, we would like to thank YOU (yes each and every one of you) for taking the time to read our posts and try our recipes.  We hope that you find as much joy exploring Live Well Food Co. as we have in developing this venture. 

There is so much more to come! But as for the here and now we are hustling! Vicky is in London on an intensive cookery course through Leith’s School of Food and Wine (we hope you’ll follow her delightful creations and journey through this intensely enriching experience @livewellfoodco), I’m cooking and baking and exploring new offerings with my friends here in Saudi. And tomorrow Vicky and I will be hitting the road together - we are Colorado bound!

Keep following along! Cheers - we have begun!