The empty plate

As an expat in a remote but gastronomically rich part of the world, traveling means an anticipation of different plates and a palate change. 

I have been looking forward to visiting New York City and my originally immigrated to state of New Jersey for some time. However, my visit, lasting for five days, has been one empty plate after another. 

Let me explain. I think (know) in the past five days I have eaten three complete meals. It sounds meagre and was, but travel plans sometimes do that. So busy catching up with friends, keeping appointments, battling "stomach jetlag" and trying to rest in multi-thread count sheeted beds that food becomes an after thought.

Sustaining meals have been limited to fresh fruit (bananas, apples) yoghurt, and a pack of two boiled eggs. 

I remain undaunted as the best of three meals I enjoyed was of the celebratory sort in my U.S. home town of Princeton, New Jersey. The establishment - Eno Terre, the plate - salmon filet on a bed of farm fresh lima beans. The meal while exceptional was simple, the company (my family) second to none, the conclusion -  a round table with seven empty plates.