Simple pleasures

This weekend past I was able to indulge in one of life’s greatest albeit simple pleasures. Sharing a meal with a friend. I don’t see my friend Alaa too often, she, like me is busy in the pursuit of life. Nevertheless, we communicate often and have been threatening a reunion for months. 

Finally, we decided on a morning of window shopping and a lengthy multi-venue lunch of her choosing and mine.  

The venue for the main course was my choice. Right here in Khobar, Saudi Arabia, my favorite and newly discovered hideaway restaurants is Afandina Saraya.  Intimate, with just a few tables, the simple eatery is beautifully decorated. With keen attention to its offering of traditional Egyptian food, colorful and comfortable surroundings it is a uniquely special place. 

We sat in one of two large banquettes strewn with brightly patterned cushions and the discussion drifted from the practical to the beautiful touches in our quiet surroundings. 

Order placed and soon - that moment - simple and universal arrived. You know, that moment when senses flex and engage in taste with the nose.  Soon the food arrived and we tucked in with spoons and forks to Fatah and Koshari. 

Fatah is a rice dish, with a base of crisped bread freshly soaked in a garlic broth under white rice cooked in dill. On top the rice mound lay generous hunks of lamb rubbed with traditional herbs of the region and garnished with translucent and crunchy half rings of onion. To the side a small pot of vinegary tomato sauce. The flavors of the dish hit me in the forehead and rendered me silent with only an emotive…yummmm to escape my lips.

Alaa and I pushed our plates to the center of the table anxious for the other to have the enjoyment we experienced individually. Fork tender, I scooped bits of lamb onto her plate insisting that she must have the bread.  Literally a shared meal.

After. We journeyed down the road to for desert. Alaa’s choice, Vicoli Lounge is owned by a duo of her friends is tasteful and carefully feminine, just like Alaa. It was a perfect end to our decadent afternoon as ladies who lunch. Our lively conversation over glasses of bubble, chamomile tea, warmed apple cake topped with melting ice cream was appreciative and relatable. Relaxing back on blue toile covered settees and before the conclusion of our afternoons repast we repeated over and over,

“We must do “this” again.”

A punctuated moment in busy lives, a meal shared, a sense of utter satisfaction, a comprehension of gratitude. The simple pleasure that is the sharing a meal with a friend.