Roasted pumpkin soup

There are no doubt many of us that may feel in need of a warming hug today, be that due to the plunging temperatures or through the shock of the U.S. election results. In our uncertain and strange world (2016 – you really need to pull something amazing out the bag in the next six weeks) it’s all the more clear that we need to find peace, happiness and contentment in our own lives, as currently looking too far beyond can be a little scary.

The best way to do that in my opinion? Sharing good times and laughter with your favourite people. And for me that ALWAYS involves food. And with the winter closing in on us it gives us all the more opportunity to get together for cosy gatherings and ever increasing festive celebrations.  We have SO much to be grateful for.

Here’s a great recipe to have in your back pocket for just these times – it’s cheap, easy to make and, most certainly, provides that warming little hug we all need.

Roasted pumpkin soup


  • 1 small pumpkin, deseeded, skinned and chopped (this is the hardest thing about this recipe!)

  • 1 red onion chopped

  • 4 cloves garlic peeled

  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  • 2 tbsp maple syrup

  • 1 tsp ground cumin

  • 1 tsp dried chilli flakes (more or less to your taste)

  • 1 tsp thyme

  • 1 litre chicken stock (approximate)

  • Salt and pepper


Heat your oven to 200c. Mix the pumpkin, onion and whole garlic cloves with the olive oil, maple syrup, cumin, chilli and thyme on a baking sheet. Roast in the oven for about 45 mins, turning occasionally. You want to get some lovely golden colouring on the veggies.

Put the roasted veggies with ¾ of the stock into a blender and season with salt and pepper. Blitz up and add more stock to the consistency you prefer. Boom… done.

Roasted pumpkin seeds

And don’t waste the lovely seeds from your pumpkin. Roast them up as a delicious topping for your soup, or as a go-to snack. Simply wash the seeds and remove the stringy bits of pumpkin, then place on a baking sheet with a sprinkling of sweet paprika, fennel seeds and seasoning. Place in the oven for about 12 minutes – you’ll hear them beginning to pop when they’re done.