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Building your business dream

Energised, excited, inspired, engaged... just some of the feelings that stayed with me after the latest session in our GATHER series, which focused on Building your Dream: Women in Business. The small group session acted as a business incubator, allowing us to freely share, comment and feedback on our ideas in an open and supportive environment.

“57% of people have had at least one idea for a business solution or product. Yet, only two-fifths take the leap and execute on it.” – Entrepreneur

The group represented a wonderful evolutionary map of entrepreneurial growth, from a kernel of an idea and a desire to take control, to a rounded plan looking for ways to monetise, through to a developed, successful social media business.

We talked about the personality traits we thought a natural born entrepreneur should possess and why there is such a rise in the number of female entrepreneurs taking their ideas forward and achieving success. The consensus? It offers us the opportunity to become more autonomous in our careers, removes us from the restrictions of the corporate glass ceiling and salary bias that still exists, and allows greater flexibility with our working hours as our family commitments develop.

A workshop session got us thinking about our big ideas in more detail:

  • Why are you doing this?

  • What problem are you solving?

  • Who are you solving this problem for?

  • How are your potential customers solving their problem today?

  • Do you think you can make money?

The group then listened to each of the ideas, encouraging with feedback, suggesting further avenues that could possibly provide increased success or revenues, or tap into other markets. We talked about the importance of listening to challenging feedback - it’s a scary prospect to have your dreams trampled on but with all these interactions we always take away some kind of learning.

“If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.” – Henry Ford

A highlight of the session was a business profile from Yasmeen Al Haj, founder of Middle Eats, an Instagram-based wellness blogger documenting her journey of wellness and sharing her learning along the way. With over 6000 followers from around the world, it was inspirational to learn about the process of her social presence and her plans for future growth.

We went on to talk about the importance of a fully-rounded business plan - way before you intend to go out and seek out funding. The process of creating the plan will help to hone your ideas, ensuring that while retaining your passion you are also thinking in terms of market analysis, financial forecasting and planning and future organization and management. Remember - if it's not going to make you money in the long run, it's just a hobby. And that might be okay for you.

Some key takeaways:

  • You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with: chose wisely

  • Build your confidence everyday

  • Visualise and manifest the life you want

  • Hustle by day, hustle by night... just HUSTLE!

  • Do one thing - no matter how small - for your business EVERYDAY

  • Validation doesn't come from others

  • Dream big, and then dream BIGGER

  • But start small, then start even SMALLER

  • Remember, no one can do it like you can - make your uniqueness count!

Resource Guide:


  • Outliers - Malcom Gladwell

  • Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill



This week in startups: A podcast that is practically the front page of entrepreneurial news. Interested in what's going on around the world, and not just seeking advice on how to advance your career? These video interviews (going strong since 2009) are the ones for you.

Entrepreneur on Fire: These podcasts will run the gamut from inspirational to humorous, from heart-wrenching to all-out awe-inspiring. Some episodes will have you wanting to take notes, while others will have you sitting back and relaxing in the conversations that are taking place.

The GATHER series is designed to inspire, inform and nurture over the coming winter season. Nourishment for mind and body, the series aims to foster community in our local environment and connect like-minded women to support, encourage and engage with each other. You can find out more about our future events here.